Friday, March 13, 2009

audio brainwash

i'm almost ashamed to say, but i really like the re-recorded song Jai Ho (You Are My Destiny) featuring the Pussycat Dolls. i know... shameful, shameful! damn it's catchy tune and uplifting beats! darn it's so bad, yet so good.

on to other news. who watches the watchmen? i did, last friday. i really didn't know what to expect exactly. i mean, i knew it was based off of a graphic novel and it dealt with superheroes. i didn't like it at first, but as the story unfolded i started to grasp the underlying theme behind it. this film investigates the image of the invincible superhero and takes them down from their ivory tower. it shows that they too have "real" problems and are just as vulnerable as the average civilian. i guess i don't have anything negative to say about the film, i mean it was well researched, constructed, and executed.

mtv's real world is a waste of time...F MINUS!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

unusual sighting

i was walking outside today when i noticed something that i normally don't see flying gracefully in the sky above me. three seagulls were circling about here in the dessert. aren't seagulls suppose to be near the sea? it gave me a sense of relief for some reason...maybe because it reminded me of the beach.

F flat: i rear-ended a car while exiting a parking lot...f minus!